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Save Our Babies: Addressing Black Infant Mortality in the Inland Empire

The "Save Our Babies" campaign is vital for addressing the disproportionate rates of Black infant mortality in the Inland Empire. In Riverside County, Black infant mortality rates stand at 10.1 deaths per 1,000 live births, significantly higher than the county’s overall rate of 4.5. In neighboring San Bernardino County, the disparity is even more alarming, with a rate of 11.6 deaths per 1,000 live births.

This campaign would aim to address the root causes of these inequities, including systemic racism in healthcare, limited access to culturally competent care, and socioeconomic factors. By focusing on these issues, the region can improve maternal and infant health outcomes and help save lives.

We are building a community of people dedicated to supporting Black mothers and babies. Join us in the fight! Learn about our 3-step action plan below and sign up to attend our quarterly meetings!
