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Press Releases

Honored as Legislative Pro-Kid Champion

I am honored to be recognized as a Legislative Pro-Kid Champion with a 100% score on the 2023-24 Pro-Kid Scorecard by the Children Now Action Fund. This recognition reflects my legislative commitment to advancing policies that prioritize the well-being of California's children and their future success.

Assemblymember Dr. Corey Jackson’s AB 2556 Signed into Law, Expanding Behavioral Health Screenings for Youth

Sacramento, CA – Assemblymember Dr. Corey Jackson is proud to announce that Governor Gavin Newsom has signed AB 2556 into law, a positive step forward in supporting the mental health of California’s children and adolescents. This new law mandates that health care service plans and insurers provide annual written or electronic notices to enrollees and insureds about the benefits of behavioral health and wellness screenings for youth ages 8 to 18. These screenings will help identify indicators of depression, anxiety, and other mental health concerns at an early stage, ensuring timely intervention and support.

Governor Signs AB 518 to Expand CalFresh Access and Combat Food Insecurity

SACRAMENTO – Assemblymember Dr. Corey A. Jackson (D-Moreno Valley) is proud to announce the signing of Assembly Bill 518 by Governor Gavin Newsom. This legislation addresses California's growing food insecurity crisis by improving access to CalFresh benefits and ensuring more equitable distribution of essential resources to low-income and underserved communities.

Statement from Assemblymember Dr. Corey Jackson on Voting Yes in the Assembly Committee on Petroleum and Gasoline Supply

"Today, I voted in favor of important legislation brought before the Assembly Committee on Petroleum and Gasoline Supply. My vote was based on the careful consideration of the evidence provided by experts and my colleagues. These bills offer a balanced approach to addressing California’s gasoline supply needs, aiming to increase the availability of petroleum products while ensuring our communities are protected from the harmful impacts of the fossil fuel industry.

Governor Newsom Signs AB 672, Expanding Civil Rights Protections in California

AB 672 enhances the role of California’s Civil Rights Department in supporting communities hurt by hate crimes and other discriminatory practices

SACRAMENTO—Governor Gavin Newsom signed into law Assembly Bill 672, authored by Assemblymember Dr. Corey A. Jackson. AB 672 enhances the role of California’s Civil Rights Department in supporting communities hurt by racism, hate, and xenophobia.