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Assemblymember Dr. Corey Jackson Joins New Legislation to Lower Gas Prices for Inland Empire Commuters

Assemblymember Dr. Corey A. Jackson today announced his role as a member of the negotiating team and Principal Co-Author of crucial new legislation, aimed at lowering gasoline costs for California commuters.

For immediate release:

Moreno Valley – Assemblymember Dr. Corey A. Jackson today announced his role as a member of the negotiating team and Principal Co-Author of crucial new legislation, led by Assembly Speaker Robert Rivas, aimed at lowering gasoline costs for California commuters and creating a more affordable state. This bill is part of a broader legislative effort to prevent unpredictable gasoline price spikes, a significant burden for Inland Empire residents who already face some of the highest commuting expenses in California.

The legislation builds on a recent proposal from the Governor, and will be introduced by joint authors Assemblymember Cecilia Aguiar-Curry (D-Winters) and Assemblymember Gregg Hart (D-Santa Barbara) as part of the special session dedicated to addressing surging gas prices. It aims to increase crude oil and fuel capacity, reducing the likelihood of sudden price hikes at the pump. Additional safeguards included by the Legislature are designed to protect consumers from potential unintended consequences, ensuring fair pricing practices across the state.

“Every day, hundreds of thousands of hardworking Inland Empire residents are paying too much at the pump just to get to work,” said Assemblymember Dr. Corey Jackson. “We need to bring relief to these families by lowering gasoline prices and ensuring they can afford to live and thrive in California.”

The Inland Empire, comprising Riverside and San Bernardino counties, is home to a large number of daily commuters—about 30% of the workforce—many of whom travel long distances to coastal areas. Nearly 400,000 people travel every day from the Inland Empire to these coastal areas. These residents, often spending $240 or more each month on gasoline, are particularly vulnerable to rising fuel costs. With limited public transportation options, most commuters rely on their own vehicles, making affordable gasoline essential to their daily lives.

“This is about more than just price transparency—it’s about putting money back in the pockets of our residents and building a more affordable California for everyone,” Dr. Jackson continued. “With this bill, we’re fighting to make sure every family can count on fair prices when they fill up their tank.”

Gasoline prices have fluctuated dramatically over recent years, creating significant financial uncertainty for Inland Empire workers who rely on their vehicles for daily commutes. This legislation seeks to stabilize prices and prevent sudden increases that disproportionately affect lower- and middle-income households.

“We know that rising gas prices hit our community hard,” said Dr. Jackson. “By joining this legislation, I am standing up for local families who deserve to see real savings on their daily expenses, starting with what they pay at the pump.”


*Update Speaker Rivas announced he has appointed the following Members to the following committee in the 2023-24 Second Extraordinary Session:

Petroleum and Gasoline Supply
Assemblymember Cottie Petrie-Norris, Chair
Assemblymember Jim Patterson, Vice Chair
Assemblymember Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Assemblymember David Alvarez
Assemblymember Steve Bennett
Assemblymember Heath Flora
Assemblymember Laura Friedman
Assemblymember Eduardo Garcia
Assemblymember Mike Gipson
Assemblymember Gregg Hart
Assemblymember Corey Jackson
Assemblymember Alex Lee
Assemblymember Al Muratsuchi
Assemblymember Diane Papan
Assemblymember Joe Patterson
Assemblymember Gail Pellerin
Assemblymember Blanca Rubio
Assemblymember Jim Wood
Assemblymember Rick Chavez Zbur


For more information, please contact District Director Daniel Peeden: