- Daniel Peeden
- Daniel.Peeden@asm.ca.gov

SACRAMENTO — Assembly Bill 1078, authored by Assemblymember Dr. Corey Jackson, has achieved a historic milestone today as Governor Gavin Newsom signed it into law. This significant legislation, designed to stop book banning in California schools, is now in effect due to the bill's urgency clause.
This bill takes a bold stance against the disturbing trend of book banning that has been observed not only in California but across the nation. Recent events have underscored the urgent need to protect our most vulnerable communities from the harmful impacts of censorship. The act of banning books, particularly those that shed light on diverse perspectives, cultural histories, and underrepresented voices, deprives our students of a well-rounded education.
"It is the responsibility of every generation to continue the fight for civil and human rights against those who seek to take them away. Today, California has met this historical imperative, and we will be ready to meet the next one,” said Assemblymember Dr. Corey Jackson.
California boldly leads the fight against those who seek to harm others through censorship. With the rise of extremist groups actively trying to ban books that challenge their narrow agenda, our state's commitment to diversity and inclusivity in education shines ever brighter. The signing of Assembly Bill 1078 reaffirms our collective resolve: we will not tolerate the erasure of history or the suppression of diverse voices. We stand united, holding accountable those who seek to divide our communities, and we remain steadfast in our commitment to a future that celebrates knowledge, values, and the rich tapestry of our society.
AB 1078, now law, reaffirms California's dedication to fostering an inclusive, informed, and equitable educational environment. The immediate implementation of this legislation ensures that book banning no longer threatens the educational experience of California's students.