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Assemblymember Dr. Corey Jackson's AB 426 Hearing on Foster Care State of Emergency

For immediate release:

Sacramento - Assemblymember Dr. Corey Jackson, Chair of the Assembly Human Services Committee, invites the press to the upcoming Senate Human Services Committee hearing on Assembly Bill 426. This crucial legislation addresses the urgent issue of holding foster youth in unhealthy environments, aiming to ensure the safety and well-being of foster children in California.

Details of the hearing are as follows:

Who: Senate Human Services Committee Hearing
Date: July 3rd
Time: 3 p.m. or upon adjournment of Session 1021 O Street, Room 2200
Location: 1021 O Street, Room 2200

Assemblymember Dr. Corey Jackson will be present at the hearing. The hearing will provide an opportunity to shed light on the importance of Assembly Bill 426 and its potential impact on the lives of foster children in our state.

“I have introduced Assembly Bill 426 to stop the practice of counties putting innocent foster youth in places like juvenile detention cells or conference rooms without access to their basic rights. For years, we have heard multiple cases of foster youth being forced to sleep in office buildings and jail-like conditions. It is the State’s job to ensure, at the bare minimum, foster youth are placed in safe environments.

It is urgent that we act now so that all foster youth have the opportunity to thrive. It is my top priority to protect the well-being of these vulnerable children. These settings are not conducive to supporting these vulnerable children. This bill is simple and is the first step in making sure all foster youth have a safe place to call home.

I look forward to continuing to move this bill through the legislative process and making a meaningful difference in the lives of our foster children."

For media inquiries or to schedule an interview with Assemblymember Dr. Corey Jackson, please contact:

Daniel Peeden
Communications Director
(951) 943-6054